Gideon Robert University Lusaka Zabia
Gideon Robert University Lusaka Zabia
Ecole Superieure De Management
Gideon Robert University Lusaka Zabia
Students of Concepts College London (CCL) as well as interested members of the public can earn membership or fellowship of these professional societies and become certified in relevant areas of specialization.
One must become a member of any of these societies before becoming certified. Membership fees for each of these professional societies is $100.00. The cost of earning each certification is $200.00 and you have to pay before taking the certification examination. Only certified members can be elected as fellows and the fee for fellowship is $500.00.
One can also earn a relevant academic degree (bachelor’s or master’s) in addition to the certification. Those interested in this should contact us at
Chartered Institute of Allied Health Practitioners (CIAHP)
- Certified Environmental Health Practitioner (CEHP)
- Certified Medical Laboratory Scientist (CMLS)
- Certified Nutritional Health Counselor (CNHC)
- Certified Occupational Safety Practitioner (COSP)
- Certified Pharmacy Assistant Practitioner (CPAP)
- Certified Public Health Practitioner (CPHP)
Chartered Institute of Architects, Surveyors and Town Planners (CIAST)
- Certified Professional Architect (CPA)
- Certified Professional Surveyor (CPS)
- Certified Professional Town Planner (CPTP)
International Academy of Clinical and Educational Psychologists (IACEP)
- Certified Clinical Psychologist (CCP)
- Certified Educational Psychologist (CEP)
- Certified Family and Marriage Counselor (CFMC)
- Certified Pastoral Counselor (CPC)
International Academy of Strategic Business Professionals (IASBP)
- International Certified Accountant (ICA)
- International Certified Banker (ICB)
- International Certified Financial Analyst (ICFA)
- International Certified Human Resources Specialist (ICHRS)
- International Certified Marketer (ICM)
- International Certified Project Manager (ICPM)
- International Certified Strategic Manager (ICSM)
- International Certified Supply Chain Manager (ICSCM)
International Council of Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners (ICPANP)
- Certified General Nurse (CGN)
- Certified Midwife Practitioner (CMP)
- Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP)
- Certified Nurse Educator (CNE)
- Certified Physician Assistant (CPA)
International Society of Forensic Investigators (ISFI)
- Certified Forensic Accounting Investigator (CFAI)
- Certified Forensic Investigator (CFI)
- Certified Forensic Scientist (CFS)
US Chartered Institute of Educational Practitioners (USCIEP)
- Certified School Administrator (CSA)
- Certified Higher Education Administrator (CHEA)
- Certified Elementary School Educator (CESE)
- Certified Secondary School Educator (CSSE)
- Certified Higher Education Educator (CHEE)